School Policies and Documents

If you would like paper copies of any of these documents, please contact the school office, who would be happy to assist you. These will be provided free of charge to parents.

Following our joining of the South York Multi Academy Trust we have adopted a number of Trust policies, and others may be under review; the links below will be updated as these are approved and adopted locally.

  • School Closures (adverse weather, snow and other emergencies)
    Mrs Thompson and all the staff work hard to keep Dunnington Church of England Primary School open wherever possible but very occasionally circumstances such as extremely bad weather or other emergencies, such as loss of heating, may mean that we have to make a decision to close the school, or amend start and/or finish times. Should this become necessary at any point, this would be announced on Radio York and would be published on the City of York Council website. Notification would also be sent by e-mail to all parents on the ParentPay system. Please avoid telephoning the school office, leaving the line free for those who are having difficulty making the journey to work or for the school to make contingency plans should the need arise. You can find information about which schools in the York area are closed due to adverse conditions etc. on the CYC website.

Pupil Premium Information

2024-25 Summary Information

Click for a pdf of the full report

Covid Recovery Premium

Recovery Premium was a time-limited grant that formed part of the government’s package of funding to support pupils whose education had been impacted by COVID-19, first implemented in 2020-2021. In subsequent years reporting on the spending of the Recovery Premium was integrated into the reporting of Pupil Premium spending. Funding for the Recovery Premium grant finished at the end of the 2023 to 2024 academic year.

Reports, Results & Data

SIAMS Inspection Report

SIAMS stands for the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools.  As a church school, in addition to OFSTED inspections, we also have a regular SIAMS inspection.

This focuses on the effect that the Christian ethos of the school has on the children and young people who attend it. Church schools will employ a variety of strategies and styles, which reflect their particular local context or church tradition in order to be distinctive and effective and the principal objective of SIAMS inspection is to evaluate the distinctiveness and effectiveness of the school as a church school.

Click the images to enlarge, or see below for a .pdf version of the latest SIAMS report.


Pupil Outcomes and Results Data

You can also find school performance information using the “Find and Compare Schools in England” service on the Department for Education website; the previous academic year’s results data is usually added, by the DfE, in December.

Key Stage 2 Test Data (May 2024)
% of pupils achieving expected standard or above in reading test91%
% of pupils achieving greater depth in reading31%
% of pupils achieving expected standard or above in writing (teacher assessment)77%
% of pupils achieving greater depth in writing (teacher assessment)14%
% of pupils achieving expected standard or above in mathematics test86%
% of pupils achieving greater depth in mathematics17%
% of pupils achieving expected standard or above in grammar, punctuation and spelling test83%
% of pupils achieving greater depth in grammar, punctuation and spelling test49%
% of pupils achieving expected standard or above in science94%
Average scaled score in reading test108
Average scaled score in maths test105
Average progress in readingn/a
Average progress in writingn/a
Average progress in mathematicsn/a
% of pupils achieving expected standard in reading, writing and maths combined66%
% of pupils achieving greater depth in reading, writing and maths combined9%
Historical Results Data

Department for Education Performance Tables

The ‘Compare school and college performance in England’ service on the website, often referred to as the ‘Performance Tables’, allows you to search for primary, secondary and special needs schools and colleges near you, and compare their performance. You can view and download exam and test results, Ofsted reports and financial information

Financial Benchmarking

The ‘Schools financial benchmarking’ service on will no longer be updated with new data but contains historical data for 2022-2023. You can find the latest data on the new Financial Benchmarking and Insights Tool.

School Improvement Priorities


Mission statement

‘Growing and learning together to be the best that we can be, in an environment based on Christian Values’

Our Christian Vision

Dunnington C E Primary School is a place where we encourage children to develop enquiring minds, a lifelong love of learning and a respect for one another and the world in which they live.

It is rooted theologically in Proverbs 22:6, ‘Start children off in the way they should go and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.’ and 1 Peter 3:8 ‘Be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.

Our School Values based on R.E.S.P.E.C.T – Responsibility, Enjoyment, Security, Politeness, Effort, Care, Tolerance

Strategic Statement

Whilst high levels of academic achievement are expected, we are concerned with all aspects of children’s development. It is our intention to provide, within a caring environment, a wide range of balanced learning opportunities which develop and extend the subject skills, key skills, thinking skills and achievements of all our children- a curriculum for the 21st century- a curriculum which will help our pupils to grow up to be knowledgeable, independent, adaptable and responsible people and prepare them for a world in which the only constant is change.

School Development Plan for 2024-2025

Objectives for 2024-2025

Achievement gap issuesGender gap – boys outperforming girls across subjects, particularly mathematics.
Number of children achieving greater depth is lower than targeted.
Objective 1Ensure opportunities for mastery are embedded into mathematics curriculum.
Ensure more girls have the opportunity to feel confident and achieve greater depth in mathematics.
Objective 2Embed the school policy for behaviour regulation.
Achieve the ADHD Friendly Schools Award.
Objective 3Improve the playtime and lunchtime experience for all children.
Objective 4Develop phase leadership to ensure improvements linked to priorities one and two are embedded and evaluated at phase level and that the school is fully prepared for SIAMs inspection in 2025-2026.
Objective 5Develop outdoor provision in EYFS.
Achieve ELKLAN accreditation as Communication Friendly School.


Accounts and Finance

Accounts, Financial Information and Benchmarking

The Academies Financial Handbook includes a requirement for academy trusts to publish financial statements for the last two years. There is also a requirement to publish the relevant business and pecuniary interests of members, trustees and local governors.

The financial statements are published on this page on the MAT website, where they can be found under the heading “Legal, Financial and Statutory Information”.

For information about the trustees, appointed senior staff and members of the board of the South York Multi-Academy Trust, please click here.

Information about local governance, including the Register of Interests, can be found here.

Executive Pay

  • There is now a requirement that schools must publish financial information on their website, including information regarding how many employees earn a salary over £100,000
  • There are no employees of Dunnington Church of England Primary school who are paid a gross annual salary of over £100,000
  • For information about Executive Pay at the South York MAT please see the trust website 

Financial Benchmarking