We have collected together information that may be of particular interest to parents and carers in this area of our website. If you are a parent or carer of a pupil and would like paper copies of documents or information from this website, please contact the school office, who would be happy to assist you. These will be provided free of charge.
Parents/Carers will receive a username and password when their child joins our school. You then need to visit www.parentpay.com and activate your account via the Account login area on the home page of the site.
New to ParentPay?
You have a secure online account, activated using a unique activation username and password; you will be prompted to change these and to keep them safe and secure as your Username and Password for future logins. ParentPay holds an electronic record of your payments to view at a later date. Once you’ve activated your account you can make online payments and also receive communications direct from school straight away.
Already have a ParentPay account, or have more than one child at a ParentPay school?
If you have two or more children at a ParentPay school, you only need to activate one account to create your ‘main account’. If you already have a ParentPay account, either with our school or another ParentPay school, you can simply login to that account and add your other children via the Add a child tab on your home page. You will need the individual code for each child to enable you to add them on to the main account.
Need Help?
Please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you need assistance or if you need to update your mobile phone and/or email details.
The Dunnington News bulletin is sent automatically to parents and carers via the ParentPay system, and includes the latest information, each week, about upcoming events and key dates. Letters and updates from the South York MAT may also be published on our website.
Meals & Snacks
We are a ‘nut-free zone’! This is because we have a number of children in school who have a severe nut allergy. We therefore ask that all parents avoid putting nuts or any product that contains whole nuts into packed lunches. You can find our full Food Policy on the School Policies & Documents page. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.
Free School Meals and the Pupil Premium
Free school meals are also available to families in receipt of certain benefits; you can find out more and apply online via the City of York Council website, or further details of qualifying benefits and an application form may be obtained from the school office. We would strongly encourage any families who feel they may meet the criteria and may be entitled to this support to apply – including if your child is entitled to a meal under the universal infant free school meal initiative – as your child’s school will benefit from additional funding known as the Pupil Premium.
School Dinners
From September 2023, the price of a school meal is £3.20 for children in Years 3 to 6. School meals are free for children in Reception to Year 2, under the Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme. Please see below the menu for the Spring and Summer Terms in 2025.
School Dinners Menu

Where possible, please pay for school meals using our ParentPay online facility as this significantly reduces our school office workload. It is also helpful to the office staff if you book your choice of meals for the week every Monday as all meals are cooked to order. This can be done by letter or email. For further information about school meals and payment please see the school prospectus.
Playtime Snacks
Children in KS1 have access to free fruit at break times. Children in KS2 are welcome to bring a fruit snack from home, should they wish, to eat at playtime.
Milk is provided free for under 5s then, from their 5th birthday, can be purchased as part of the government subsidised scheme through ‘Cool Milk’.

If you want your child to continue to receive milk following their 5th birthday, then you must have registered with the Cool Milk website in advance. In your welcome packs when your child started school, there was a form with the link to register for the Cool Milk service or alternatively, you can access the website at: https://www.coolmilk.com/parents/ which will explain how you register. When you have completed this online, you will receive an email with further details – this includes a link that must be clicked to activate the registration. Once you do this, you will be notified by Cool Milk 3 weeks prior to your child’s birthday, to allow you to set up payment and to ensure that milk continues to be provided. If you do not register, school will not be sent milk for your child. If you have any queries, please do let the office or Mrs Elliott know.
NYES Catering School Meals
Please see below further information about schools meals provided by NYES, the catering company.
School meals can provide a healthy and nutritionally balanced meal for your child every day. Our NYES Catering service provides school meals to many of the schools in North Yorkshire, as well as many schools in the surrounding area, with the aim of bringing enjoyment to school lunchtimes with local, fresh, great quality food being at the heart of what we do.
We follow a healthy eating policy, with 75% of our food produced daily in a school kitchen. We provide:
- Red tractor approved fresh meat and poultry
- Free-range eggs and sustainably caught fish
- A menu that is fully compliant to the School Food Standards
- Fruit and vegetables sourced regionally where possible using local suppliers to promote local businesses and reduce our carbon footprint
- Products free from additives associated with health problems in young children
- A menu that is nutritionally analysed, as well as being checked by a registered nutritionist
- Information and menu guidance on any specific dietary requirements any staff or pupils may have
- Fats free from hydrogenated oils
- Menus that are nutritionally balanced.
You can view our school meals food policy here.
NYES Catering hold Food for Life accreditation which recognises that we are committed to serving fresh, healthy, and sustainable meals using local food producers. We are also the current holders of the Association of Public Service Excellence (APSE) award for Best Service Team. The APSE awards recognise the very best in public services, receiving nominations from across the UK.
Our primary school menus:
- Are changed twice a year to reflect the seasons
- Have a three-week menu cycle, allowing children to become familiar with the food served
- Are written using feedback from pupils, parents, carers, cooks and school staff.
We also offer jacket potatoes and sandwiches.
Our menus are also available in multiple additional languages: Arabic, Dari, Malay, Pashto, Romanian, Ukrainian. All menus can be downloaded from the North Yorkshire Council website here.
We host fun promotional event days throughout the year with special menus to add an extra “buzz” to school lunches. Recent examples include Build a Burger, Best of British and Street Food. These exciting one-off menus are shared with the school ahead of the day; please ask the school for more information.
If your child has an allergy to one of the 14 allergens, intolerance, or allergy to any food not included in the 14 allergens, or any other special dietary requirement, please talk to us and we will try to accommodate their requirements. Our cooks and catering managers are fully trained and updated in special dietary management. More information can be found on the North Yorkshire Council website here and we have a Special Diet Welcome Pack which can be downloaded from this page on the NYES Catering website. Please contact the headteacher in the first instance, stating the required diet and our team will be in touch.
All Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils are entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals. Free School Meals are also available for all pupils whose families receive financial support.
For more information and answers to some frequently asked questions visit the North Yorkshire Council school meals webpage.
Term Dates
Term & Holiday Dates 2024-2025
The following are based on the recommended term dates provided by City of York Council for schools in the City of York area for the academic year 2024-2025 and include the planned training days for 2024-2025.
Term | School re-opens to pupils | Last day of school for pupils |
Autumn 2024 – 1st half term | Wednesday 4th September 2024 | Friday 25th October 2024 |
Autumn 2024 – 2nd half term | Monday 4th November 2024 | Friday 20th December 2024 |
Spring 2025 – 1st half term | Monday 6th January 2025 | Thursday 13th February 2025 |
Spring 2025 – 2nd half term | Monday 24th February 2025 | Friday 4th April 2025 |
Summer 2025 – 1st half term | Tuesday 22nd April 2025 | Friday 23rd May 2025 |
Please note the Bank Holiday on Monday 5th May 2025 | ||
Summer 2025 – 2nd half term | Monday 2nd June 2025 | Friday 18th July 2025 |
All schools are required to close to pupils for five School Training/Professional Development Days in the year. Staff training dates may be subject to change, subject to any new requirements or regulations which may be issued by the DfE or local education authority. You will be given as much notice as possible of any changes to the training days.
2024-2025 Planned Staff Training Days and Bank Holidays
- Monday 2nd September 2024
- Tuesday 3rd September 2024
- Friday 14th February 2025
- Monday 5th May 2025 – Early May Bank Holiday
- Monday 21st July 2025
- Tuesday 22nd July 2025
Planned Term & Holiday Dates 2025-2026
The following are based on the recommended term dates provided by City of York Council for schools in the City of York area for the academic year 2025-2026 and include the planned training days for 2025-26.
Term | School re-opens to pupils | Last day of school for pupils |
Autumn 2025 – 1st half term | Wednesday 3rd September 2025 | Thursday 23rd October 2025 |
Autumn 2025 – 2nd half term | Monday 3rd November 2025 | Friday 19th December 2025 |
Spring 2026 – 1st half term | Monday 5th January 2026 | Friday 13th February 2026 |
Spring 2026 – 2nd half term | Monday 23rd February 2026 | Thursday 26th March 2026 |
Summer 2026 – 1st half term | Monday 13th April 2026 | Friday 22nd May 2026 |
Please note the Bank Holiday on Monday 4th May 2026 | ||
Summer 2026 – 2nd half term | Monday 1st June 2026 | Friday 17th July 2026 |
All schools are required to close to pupils for five School Training/Professional Development Days in the year. Staff training dates may be subject to change, subject to any new requirements or regulations which may be issued by the DfE or local education authority. You will be given as much notice as possible of any changes to the training days.
2025-2026 Planned Staff Training Days and Bank Holidays
- Monday 1st September 2025
- Tuesday 2nd September 2025
- Friday 24th October 2025
- Friday 27th March 2026
- Monday 4th May 2026 – Early May Bank Holiday
- Monday 20th July 2026 (disaggregated)
For information from City of York council about term, holiday and closure dates for all York schools, please click here.
The School Day
Please note that, as advertised last year, we made the decision to switch the start and finish times for EYFS/KS1 and KS2 from September 2024 so they are now as follows:
Start Time | Finish Time | |
EYFS and KS1 | 8:45am | 3:15pm |
KS2 | 8:55am | 3:25pm |
There were numerous reasons behind this decision – we felt the younger children would benefit from being in earlier, so that more can be fitted in in the morning when they are most ready to learn, and that the older pupils would benefit more from a longer afternoon as it would mean lessons could be more easily fitted in. We also feel this enables our KS2 pupils to be more punctual, allowing us to have a softer start in the morning.
- In both cases there are 32.5 compulsory school hours in a typical week.
- Please be on time – but better late than never.
- Try not to have the children waiting in the playground too early, especially in cold or wet weather; five minutes before school begins is early enough.
Our full policy for Attendance and Punctuality can be found on our Policies Page.
The school hours are as follows:
8:45am to 12 noon
Registration 8:45-8:55am
12 noon – 1:00pm lunch
1:00pm to 3:15pm
Registration 1:00-1:05pm
(6 hours 30 minutes daily)
8:55am to 12 noon
Registration 8:55-9:05am
12 noon – 1:00pm lunch
1:00pm to 3:25pm
Registration 1:00-1:05pm
(6 hours 30 minutes daily)
School Uniform
Our school uniform policy can be found on the Policies & Documents page.
The school uniform is:
- dark grey or black school trousers, skirts, pinafore skirts or shorts (not sports trousers)
- a school sweat top or cardigan in red or blue
- a white polo shirt or school shirt
- a red or blue polo shirt embroidered with the school logo
- sensible shoes (not trainers)
- a summer dress (optional) in red or blue check/stripes
Clothing for Physical Education:
- Plimsolls or trainers
- Black Shorts
- White T- Shirt
All items of clothing must be clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Our suppliers, who were selected in 2017 following parental consultation, offer a comprehensive range of school uniform items including book bags and PE bags all of which can be ordered online ANYTIME through their secure, easy to use online shop.
Useful Forms
- Home School Agreement (2021-2022)
- Order School Uniform Online
- Administration of Medicine Request Form for Parents
- Managing Medications Forms (Jan 2020)
- Leave of Absence Form (Sept 2022)
You can find a range of policies, including those relating to attendance and the management of medicines, on our School Policies & Documents page.
The school really values the help and support of parents and carers – and the PTA are always looking for volunteers to help with the work we do to support the school so if you’d like to help out, please do get in touch!! You can email them on [email protected], or you can also find them on Facebook.

Did you know that you can sign up to Easyfundraising and donate to the PTA every time you shop online? It’s an easy way to raise funds for the school without costing you a penny.
The information below about our Parent Teacher Association, which forms a major part of school life, has been compiled by our PTA especially for you.
Why do we have a PTA?
We are fortunate at our school to have a PTA that is and has been an integral part of the school community for many years, raising thousands of pounds, which has been spent on equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education experience and the school’s facilities. Our PTA is about much more than simply fundraising. The PTA exists to provide closer links between home and school and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, working towards a common goal. It is fun too – just ask any of the Committee members or PTA helpers.
All parents and members of the school community are encouraged to get involved, even if they only have a small amount of time available. All families are automatically members of the Dunnington School PTA when your child joins our school.
The PTA is extremely conscious of the ethos and diversity of our school, and we try very hard when organising and planning events to respect this. Not all of our events are run specifically as fundraisers; sometimes it’s more about the children getting something fun out of it.
Role of the Committee
Our PTA committee consists of three Officers: Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. We also have between 5 and 10 ordinary committee members to make up the full committee. The Committee meet on a regular basis usually once or twice a term, with smaller working groups meeting as necessary when we are planning larger events.
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Our Annual General Meeting is held at the beginning of the academic year and provides an opportunity for all parents to come along and hear in more detail about the work of the PTA, the events we have run, the funds we have raised and how the money has been spent. It is also the occasion when we elect our new committee members.
How we raise money
Like most PTAs, the majority of our funds are raised through the events that we run. Some of our most popular events are:
- Christmas and Summer Fairs
- School Disco’s
- Christmas card designs
- Filming of School performances
- Pamper Night
- Movie Nights
So you can see there is always something going on. We always try and respond to the children’s requests; it is great to see them having fun at the events or enjoying using a piece of new equipment that the PTA has donated. Last year we raised £8,815! We raise money in other ways too. Donations from parents are extremely important. You can donate time, money, items for sale, raffle prizes, or offers of services and skills.
Important information needed from you
As some of the events we run include refreshments for the children it is very important that we know of any allergies that your child may have. We always try to include every child by buying alternatives such as gluten free crisps (school discos), gelatine free sweets (tuck shops at school discos) etc. Please send an email to [email protected] with any allergy details we should know about.
Company matched giving
As our PTA is a registered charity, we are able to raise money through company matched giving schemes.
Company matched giving is very simple. Companies or businesses pledge to donate to a charity such as ourselves an amount of money relating to the amount that an employee(s) donates or fundraises for us.
We have been helped enormously in the past by this type of donation, and there are several benefits to both ourselves and the company involved:-
- the company benefits from having charitable donations written off against taxable profits
- the company can endeavour to get publicity for their giving
- our PTA benefits from receiving perhaps double what we have raised at an event
If you think that your employer has a matched giving scheme already in operation, or if you would like some more information about charity matched giving or setting up a scheme in your workplace, please talk to one of the PTA committee members, or ask in the school office.
How we spend the money we raise
Following a fundraising event the money is banked straight away. It is at our PTA Committee meetings, that the decisions on how the money should be spent is agreed. Usually, Mrs Hancy will have a ‘wish list’ of items that the school would like the PTA to consider funding. Sometimes this will be as a result of the children asking for something, such as new reading books. At other times it will be for resources to improve a particular area of the curriculum or school environment (such as playground markings). The PTA funds are spent on the ‘extras’ that are not provided by the school’s budget, thus making our children’s learning experiences so much more fulfilling and exciting. We always endeavour to spend our funds in ways that will benefit all our children across all areas of the school and curriculum. Many of the resources purchased have a direct link to the School Improvement Plan.
How we get information to you
All PTA letters are sent via the Platform Parent Pay Emails, usually with the Weekly Newsletters (please sign up to Parent Pay even if you don’t need to pay for school meals – you will only get emails from the school if you have signed up). The letters include information on forthcoming events and dates plus requests for assistance, when we are planning large events.
How you can get involved
There are lots of ways you can help and support your child through the PTA. Offering to help with events or at other times during the year is so valuable. It doesn’t matter if you can’t help on a regular basis, or even if you cannot come into school. There are always jobs that can be done from home if you have half an hour to spare e.g. wrapping gifts, preparing raffle tickets etc. We really couldn’t achieve what we do without the behind the scenes help that we receive. If you would like to be more involved and are happy for us to contact you on an adhoc basis then please send an email to [email protected] with your details. You can help by letting us know if you have any contacts or skills we could use, everything is potentially valuable to us.
Thank you for taking the time to read this information; we hope you now know a little more about your Parent Teacher Association. On behalf of all the pupils we would like to thank you for your very valuable support which enriches their learning experience and makes their time in school so enjoyable.The PTA Committee
Feedback on Ofsted Parent View
Ofsted Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think of your child’s school, including how happy your child is at the school. If your child has special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), you will be asked how well the school supports them.
The questionnaire can be completed at any time – you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected. Click ‘Give your views now’ to register and complete a survey.
E-Safety for Parents
The Dunnington E-Safety and Acceptable Use Policy can be found on the School Policies & Documents page of our website. We regularly send home information for families about safeguarding, online safety and wellbeing along with the weekly newsletters.
What Can You Do?
- Talk to your child about what they’re up to online. Be a part of their online life; involve the whole family and show an interest. Find out what sites they visit and what they love about them, if they know you understand they are more likely to come to you if they have any problems.
- Visit the NSPCC website where you will find advice and a range of online safety guides for parents
- Talking to your child about online safety (NSPCC)
- Set up your own family agreement for using the internet. Why not use this template from Child Net to help you.
- Use parental controls on all devices that link to the internet, such as the TV, laptops, computers, games consoles and mobile phones.
- Keep all equipment that connects to the internet in a family space. For children of this age, it is important to keep internet use in family areas so you can see the sites your child is using and be there for them if they stumble across something they don’t want to see.
- Know what connects to the internet and how. Nowadays even the TV connects to the internet. Make sure you’re aware of which devices that your child uses connect to the internet, such as their phone or games console. Also, find out how they are accessing the internet – is it your connection, or a neighbour’s wifi? This will affect whether the safety setting you set are being applied.
- Go through the SMART internet rules with your child!
You may also find the following websites useful:

Digital Learning Platforms
Throughout the school year children will be given access to a range of valuable online tools to support their learning. Tools, such as Timestable Rockstars, Google Classroom and Seesaw, have been specially selected to aid your child’s learning not only in Computing but across the curriculum. In all cases any service that require access to your child’s name have been scrutinised in line with schools GDPR policies before details are entered and every effort is made to reduce the inclusion of any unnecessary information (e.g. date of birth or surnames). Alongside this, in line with our GDPR policy pupil data will be removed once access is no longer required (i.e. on their leaving the school).
The following digital platforms are currently in use in our school. For details of each platform’s privacy policy please follow the links below:
- Google Classroom: https://edu.google.com/why-google/privacy-security/?modal_active=none
- Seesaw: https://web.seesaw.me/privacy
- Times Table Rockstars: https://ttrockstars.com/page/privacy
Please note parents will be informed via the school newsletter if any new resources/ services are added at any point in the year.
For more information on GDPR, please visit: