Headteacher's Welcome

We would like to warmly welcome you and your child to Dunnington Church of England Primary School.
Our aim is to provide the best possible education for all our children in an environment where every member of the school community feels like they truly belong and where they can grow and learn together to be the best that they can be.
Dunnington Church of England Primary School is a happy school where learning is purposeful, challenging and enjoyable. We strive for the highest levels of academic achievement whilst prioritising all other aspects of children’s development. We provide a caring, loving and inclusive environment with relationships at the core of everything we do. Pupils are provided with a wide range of balanced learning opportunities which develop and extend understanding and equip them with the necessary skills to help them grow up to be happy, knowledgeable, independent, adaptable and responsible people, enabling them to thrive and succeed in society.
We are proud of our strong partnerships with our parents and carers and within the community, which are based on trust, honesty and cooperation. We work closely with the schools in SYMAT (South York Multi Academy Trust) which includes Fulford Secondary School, the school the majority of our pupils go on to, and five other local primary schools. We also maintain links with our local cluster of schools, the South Yorks Schools Partnership, and with our local feeder settings.
We are a Church of England school and have strong links with the parish of St. Nicholas; clergy from the Church of England and other denominations regularly visit our school.
We look forward to welcoming you and your child and would encourage you to come and visit us to find out more about what makes Dunnington CE Primary School so special.
Ethos and Values as a Church School

Our School Values and our Mission Statement are based around a strong Christian ethos which underpin all that we do.
Responsibility, Enjoyment, Security, Politeness, Effort, Care, Tolerance
Growing and learning together to be the best that we can be, in an environment based on Christian Values
Our Christian Vision
Dunnington Church of England Primary School is a place where we encourage children to develop enquiring minds, a lifelong love of learning and a respect for one another and the world in which they live.
This vision is rooted theologically in Proverbs 22:6, ‘Start children off in the way they should go and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.’ and in Peter 3:8 ‘Be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.’
Christian Values
We are currently learning about the Christian Values through the ‘Roots and Fruits’ Collective Worship resource. We focus on a value each half term, thinking about bible stories and current events which can help us to explore the value further, and understand how to apply it in our daily lives. The term’s value underpins the daily life of the school and our aim is to embed it fully so that it is relevant and ‘real’ to pupils, staff and parents.
Additionally, we hold highly our school values R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Each week, every class celebrates a child who has lived out a particular value. We take the opportunity to reference how these also link to the Christian values.
Collective Worship
We hold daily acts of Collective Worship which are broadly Christian in nature, whilst also celebrating and embracing other major world faiths. You can read more about Collective Worship at Dunnington Church of England Primary School here.
Our Staff

Safeguarding and Wellbeing

The school is a key front-line player, working in partnership with other children’s services, and therefore staff should always be mindful of local policies and procedures, that must be followed, and which are under the direction of the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board.
At Dunnington C of E Primary School, we recognise that:
- Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility
- The welfare of the child is paramount
- All children, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity, have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse
- Working in partnership with children, young people and their parents, carers and other agencies, is essential in promoting young people’s welfare
Mrs Thompson is the designated lead for safeguarding and child protection. In her absence the deputy designated safeguarding lead, Mrs Subritzky, should be approached.
Ros Williams and Rachel Robinson are our designated Safeguarding Governors.
We work in partnership with North Yorkshire Police, like many schools across York and the surrounding area, and have signed up to Operation Encompass. A letter to parents and carers regarding this can be found here.

Special Education Needs & Disabilities
Mrs Subritzky is the school’s SEND Co-ordinator and she can be contacted via the school office or by email directly on [email protected].
Please note that staff endeavour to check e-mail on a daily basis but, due to the busy nature of the school day, cannot guarantee to reply on the same day. If you have an urgent query please contact the school office.
Our policy relating to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, together with the school’s Accessibility Plan and other policies relevant to SEND can be found on the School Policies page and the school’s SEND Report, below, should be read in conjunction with these documents.
Dunnington Primary School SEND Report 2024-2025
Further Information and Resources
- Click here for the the SEND local offer in York (external link to the York SEND website).
- Click here for the York SEND Newsletter, October 2022
- The Educational Psychology (EP) Support Line is a confidential telephone support service, staffed by Educational Psychologists, to talk through questions or concerns about children and young people’s wellbeing or learning. Open to all parents and carers of children with additional needs or SEND who live in the City of York, this service offers short slots to talk with a psychologist about specific concerns; for more details please see the flyer that was attached to the newsletter on 25/10/23.
York’s Outcomes Framework
What if you have a concern or complaint?
We hope that we can all work together to see your child make good progress. If however you have a concern or complaint about the way we have supported and helped your child, the following steps should be taken:
- Discuss the matter with the class teacher and/or the SENDCo
- If the problem is not resolved arrange a meeting with the Head Teacher. It may be appropriate for others to be involved in the meeting (e.g. the class teacher, SENDCo or Educational Psychologist) You can also speak with the SEND Governor, Mrs Ros Wilson. We will make every effort to resolve the matter in school
- If the problem still remains unresolved you can meet with a representative of the Local Authority. Contact a member of the SEN department on 01904 554320 or emailing [email protected] to arrange this
Governance and the Local Governing Committee
Governors are one of the largest volunteer forces in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards. The role of a governing body, often described as being a “critical friend”, is absolutely key to the effectiveness of a school.
For information about governance in the South York Multi-Academy Trust, including information about the Trustees and Members of the board and financial information including the funding agreement, articles of association and audited annual accounts, please see the MAT website.
The Local Governing Committee is made up of representatives of the school staff, parents, the Local Parish Church, and members of the local community who, in addition to participating in the full Local Governing Committee, may also serve on sub-committees. The sub-committees are:
- Headteacher Appraisal
- Pay Committee
- Pay Appeals
The Local Governing Committee
Name of Governor | Category of Governor | Appointing Body* | Term of Office | Committee Membership | Additional Responsibilities |
Kevin Hall | Foundation | Diocesan Board | 25/11/24 -24/11/28 | Pay Committee | Chair of LGC, Headteacher Appraisal & Pay Committees |
Charlotte Todd | Staff | Staff Body | 01/12/23 -30/11/27 | ||
David Swallow | Parent | Parent Body | 12/01/24 -11/01/28 | ||
Emily Thompson | Parent | Parent Body | 26/04/24 -25/04/28 | ||
Rev Katharine McBride | Foundation | Ex-officio | 18/07/23 -17/07/27 | ||
Rachel Robinson | Trust Appointed | Trust Board | 13/07/23 -12/07/27 | Pay Committee | Safeguarding Governor |
Ros Williams | Foundation | Diocesan Board | 01/09/21 -31/08/25 | Pay Committee | Vice Chair of LGC Safeguarding Governor SEND Governor |
Sarah Wearing | Trust Appointed | Trust Board | 01/03/22 -28/02/26 | Pay Appeals | Named Contact for Pay Appeals |
*Diocesan Board = York Diocesan Board of Education (following consultation with the Parochial Church Council of the parish in which the school is situated) Staff Body = Staff Body under the MAT’s Scheme of Delegation Parent Body = Parent body, under the MAT’s Scheme of Delegation, or by appointment of the LGC under specific circumstances LGC = Local Governing Committee, with the approval [of the Chair] of the MAT Board | |||||
Clare Thompson | Attendee | Headteacher |
Register of Interests
The Local Governing Committee maintains a register of business and relevant interests for members; please click here to view the Dunnington Church of England Primary School Register of Interests for 2024-2025.
Former Members of the Local Governing Committee who have stepped down in the past year
Name of Governor | Category of Governor | Appointing Body | Term of Office | Committee Membership | Additional Responsibilities | Declaration of Relevant Interests |
Joanna Rawlings | Trust Appointed | Trust Board | 14/11/2023 -12/12/24 | |||
Lucy Hart | Trust Appointed | Trust Board | 14/11/23 -14/05/24 |
Local Governing Committee Meeting Attendance
Vacancies at Dunnington Church of England Primary School may also be advertised on the City of York jobs website and senior posts may be listed on TES website.
Safeguarding Information: Applicants & Volunteers
The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We require successful applicants to undertake an enhanced Criminal Record check via the Disclosure and Barring Service.
Posts may also be subject to the Childcare (Disqualification) Regulations 2009 and as such shortlisted candidates may be asked to complete a Disqualification Declaration. Any information supplied will be discussed at interview.
Please read the full South York MAT Safeguarding Statement for applicants and volunteers on our Policies & Documents Page.
Admissions Arrangements
All children can start school in the September before their 5th birthday. You should apply for your child to start primary or infant school by the 15th of January in the school year your child turns 4. For entry in the September 2025 school year, children will have been born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021. Later start dates are possible and can be discussed with the headteacher.
Applications for children who were born between 1st September 2021 and 31st August 2022 can be made only from the Autumn of 2025.
Following the conversion to academy status the South York Multi Academy Trust is our admissions authority. Applications are processed by, and must be made via, the Local Authority. You will find the South York Multi Academy Trust Admissions Policy on our Policies page of this website. Our PAN (Proposed Admission Number) for both September 2024 and September 2025 is 30.
For any queries about the admissions policy or process you can email [email protected] or call 01904 551554. Further details are available on their website, and details of the admissions policies for all York schools can be found here.
Will your child start reception in September 2025?
Applications for a place in Reception starting in September 2025 opened on 12th September 2024. Please note that applying early does not give any priority, although to have the best chance of your application being successful you should complete and submit your application by the deadline which was the 15th January 2025. Late applications can still be made after this date.
National Offer Day is the 16th April 2025, or the next working day.
Applications for entry into reception can be made by using the online form to apply for a school place.
If you can’t apply online you can request a paper Primary Application Form by calling 01904 551 554. Forms are also distributed to primary schools and nurseries in the York area.
Please read the Guide for Parents applying for a school place, as it contains key information on school admissions. You can also find the Guide to School Catchment Areas online. We also advise you to keep checking on the City of York Council Admissions site to keep updated with key dates throughout the year.
- 12th September 2024 – opening date for applications
- 12th November 2024 – DunningtonCEP Open Evening
- 15th January 2025 – Deadline for applications
- 16th April 2025 or the next working day – National Offer Day
- 20th May 2025 – Appeal forms to be returned
- June – July 2025 – Admission appeals heard
- September 2025 – Applications for the 2026 entry into Reception expected to open
Applications for children who were born between 1st September 2021 and 31st August 2022 can be made only from the Autumn of 2025.
Admission Consultations
In line with the School Admissions Code 2021, City of York Council holds a coordinated admission consultation annually on behalf of schools within York and the School Admission Authorities. Where a school is part of a Multi Academy Trust, the Trust is the Admission Authority and not City of York Council and in the case of Dunnington Church of England Primary School, South York Multi Academy Trust is our admissions authority.
Coordinated School Admissions Consultation 2026 to 2027
The draft admissions policies, published admission numbers and related documents for schools in the City of York area advise how admissions applications and decisions will be made for the 2026 to 2027 school year.
Feedback provided, through the admission consultation survey, regarding schools where City of York Council are the Admission Authority was considered by City of York Council. Feedback provided, through the admission consultation survey, regarding schools which are part of a Multi Academy Trust, where the Trust is the Admission Authority, is passed to the Trust to be considered.
The determined policy for 2026-2027 admissions can be found on our Policies page