Phase Pages

We have seven classes in 2024-2025, organised into four ‘phases’. Click on an image to visit a phase page and find out more about what is happening in your child’s class.

School Council

Smart School Council

We are continuing to be part of an exciting project called ‘Smart School Councils’ where the key ethos is that every child has a voice, and any idea is worth sharing.

This year, our chosen charity is Shine 21. This charity focuses on enriching the lives of Children with Down Syndrome across North Yorkshire.

The Communication Team

The Communication Team coordinates our Smart School Council with the Lead Teacher: Miss Dickenson.  The children have different responsibilities such as assembly leaders, question finders, headteacher and governor updaters and action team developers. The Communication Team are responsible for the following roles:

  • Meeting with the lead teacher
  • Getting as many children involved with school action as possible
  • Working with school staff
  • Respecting different views and opinions.
Class Council Meetings

We regularly hold class council meetings where we can gather ideas and feedback from every child in the school. The Communication Team share a question with the school and children are given the opportunity to discuss this in groups before sharing their feedback and submitting the results of their discussions to the Communication Team. The Communication Team are then able to share the results with the leaders in school and act on the feedback received.  The charities that we are supporting are chosen using the class meeting tool throughout all year groups in school.

Action Teams

As we develop our Smart School Council community, we will be inviting any child within the school to set up and run an Action Team. All children need is a good idea and a member of staff to support them in leading social action within our school community!

To find out more, you can visit Smart School Councils here:

We look forward to sharing with you the exciting ideas the children wish to explore to make our school even better.

Our House System

In 2018, our school council worked with the pupil body to introduce a new house point system across the school.

They decided that, on entry to school, all pupils would be allocated to one of four houses: Craven (Green), Rowntree (Yellow), Terry (Blue) or Tuke (Red). The houses were named after famous confectioners in the York area.

House points form a part of our whole school reward system at Dunnington CE Primary School. Events such as sports day bring children together to compete in their houses. The house system encourages a team ethos across the school and allows children of all ages to have a common goal.

Whilst good behaviour and a positive attitude to learning is expected, our house points are used to reward children for ‘taking that extra step’ for example;

  • Helping and caring for others,
  • High levels of enthusiasm, courtesy, collaboration or cooperation,
  • Persevering with a challenge,
  • Striving to improve.

Each half term, we count up the number of house points and provide the leading house with a small treat/incentive e.g. a non-uniform day, additional playtime etc.

Extra-Curricular Activities

We offer a very wide range of extra curricular activities throughout the year here at Dunnington – from football to fencing and singing to gardening! We are very proud to have been awarded the Sainsburys Gold Kitemark for our excellent work in increasing participation in a wide range of sporting activities and competitions.

Music Lessons

If your child is in Year 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, they are now eligible for instrumental tuition and there are a number of opportunities for them to learn a musical instrument and take music lessons in school, during the school day.

Please see below what tuition we have to offer; the tutors will be able to provide further details and costs.

If you have any questions about instrumental tuition, please see Mrs Bradley.

Brass Tuition – Mr Ian Chalk (York Music Service)

[email protected]

  • Trumpet
  • Cornet
  • Flugal Horn
  • Trombone

Mr Chalk also runs our ‘P-Buzz’ instrumental group.

Violin/Recorder Tuition – Miss Imogen Clarke    

[email protected]

  • Violin
  • Recorder
Singing/Keyboard Tuition – Ms Jo-Anne Trevenna

07729 388372

  • Singing
  • Keyboard

For more information about Music at Dunnington Church of England Primary School, please see our Music Development Plan.

Extra-Curricular Clubs

Spring 2 2025 Clubs




Y3/4 Dodgeball Club
Mr Sellers
Tuesday 25th February – Tuesday 1st AprilFree through sports funding
Early Riser KS2 Outdoor sports sessions
Mr Sellers
Tuesday 25th February – Tuesday 1st AprilGet out of bed and come and try some outdoor fun sports! A different one each week! Free through sports funding
YR/1/2 Multi sports
Ignite Sports Coaching
Monday 3rd March – Monday 31st MarchPlease see the website link below. Sign up and pay direct using this. Subsidised by Sports funding. £15 for 5 weeks.
Y5/6 Dodgeball Club
Ignite Sports Coaching
Thursday 6th March – Thursday 3rd AprilPlease see the website link below. Sign up and pay direct using this. Subsidised by Sports funding. £15 for 5 weeks.
Y5/6 Netball Club
Mrs Rowntree/Miss Dickenson
Mon 24th February – Mon 31st MarchFree through sports funding
KS2 York Dance Space
Wednesday 26th February – Wednesday 2nd AprilPlease pay via Parentpay. Subsidised by Sports funding.
£18 for 6 weeks
Please click on the link to see what amazing work this dance school do with young people across York. In the final session of the half term they do a short performance to parents to showcase their hard work and learning.

E-Safety for Children

  • Think U Know (for ages 4-7)
  • Think U Know (for ages 8-10)
  • BBC Own It
  • Childnet for Primary aged children
  • CEOP:
    CEOP helps any child or young person under the age of 18 who is being pressured, forced or tricked into taking part in sexual activity of any kind. This can be something that has taken place either online or in ‘the real world’, or both. The CEOP Safety Centre has clear information and advice on what can be reported to CEOP, the reporting process and what will happen if you do decide to make a report. You can visit the CEOP Safety Centre and make a report directly to CEOP by clicking the Click CEOP button.

    If you are experiencing online bullying or something else online has worried you please speak to an adult you trust, or you can talk to Childline at any time on 0800 1111 or at