Hello Year 3
We hope you have all had a wonderful Easter!
This week, alongside weekly spelling practice, reading and timetables practice on TTRockstars, you will find a SPAG activity and five White Rose Maths lessons. There is also an English task which is explained below.
Year 3
SPAG activity – cause and effect conjunctions
White Rose Maths topic– fractions and equivalent fractions
Click on the link to take you to the page for the Maths.
Under the sub heading of: Summer Term – Week 1 (w/c 20 April), there will be five lessons available. Each one has a video explaining the lesson, an activity sheet and the answers.
- Lesson 1 – Equivalent fractions (2)
- Lesson 2 – Equivalent fractions (3)
- Lesson 3 – Compare fractions
- Lesson 4 – Order fractions
- Lesson 5 – Friday challenge!
Year 3 and Year 4 English
Please note that the English task below will be set over this week and next week.
Roman Villa Task
A Roman villa was a large and luxurious estate for rich Romans in the countryside. They were much grander and more comfortable than a domus (a house in the city for a rich Roman) and had even more rooms, including servant quarters and exercise rooms. Some villas even had underfloor heating! A hypocaust was a system which pumped hot air from a fire around a system of tunnels underneath the villa’s main floor.
Your task is split into two parts.
Part A: You are going to be Roman architect – someone who designs and builds houses
To do this job, you will need to research all about Roman houses, focusing on Villas in particular, and find out what rooms they had, what their gardens looked like and what special features they included to make them extravagant buildings.
To set out your task as an architect, you could draw the floor plan of your villa and add labels to describe different parts. As you are designing the most fantastic Roman Villa that you can, why not paint or draw your luxurious Villa to show off just how impressive and grand the building is!
Part B: You are then taking a job as a Roman estate agent – someone who sells houses
For this job, you will need to research the descriptive and formal language that estate agents use when selling houses. You could look up house brochures online or use a thesaurus to help select more ambitious and interesting vocabulary to help with the description of your grand villa.
To set out your task as an estate agent, you could produce a booklet to describe the features of your Roman Villa, in the hope that it sells for a large sum of money. After all, you have meticulously designed every detail of a truly magnificent Roman villa. I am sure lots of wealthy Romans will be looking to purchase it!