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Christmas Lunch Menu and Information

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The kitchen staff, Karen and Jane, would like to say a very big thank you to everyone for their support over the last few months. The Grab Bags have worked well and the children have welcomed the return of jacket potatoes!

Karen and Jane will be serving a delicious Christmas meal on Thursday 17th December. This will be prepared on site and delivered to the children in their classrooms, in individual servings. There is a choice of Roast Turkey or Parsnip and Sweet Potato Loaf, both served with the usual trimmings, and followed by a Chocolate, Orange and Cranberry Brownie for desert. Karen needs to know numbers in advance, to enable correct ordering of supplies.

If you would like your child to have a school Christmas lunch, please let the school office know by emailing [email protected] or send in a note with your child, no later than Friday 11th December.

Thank you.

Youth Sport Trust Virtual After School Club

Click to find out more on the Youth Sport Trust website

Due to the very limited extra-curricular provision we can provide as a result of Covid-19, the Youth Sport Trust have launched a virtual after school club. They have taken the step to deliver a free virtual after school club as part of a national response to
the second lockdown. The 30-minute club will take place at 5pm each weekday and be led by a different member of the YST’s athlete mentor network, starting on Thursday 12 November with world no.1 female inline skater and 10-time British Champion Jenna Downing. The After School Sport Club will then run for five weeks until December 18 and children and young people can take part live by visiting their YouTube channel –

Aimed mainly at primary-aged children, a different theme has been assigned for each day of the club – Adventure Monday, Tuesday Play, Wild Wednesday, Thinking Thursday and Fun Friday. The YST hope that this will provide support, capacity and inspiration for young people. Enjoy some home based physical fitness and have fun!

Fantastic Fundraising Fun!

Thank you for your generous donations to Children in Need. The children had great fun participating in a variety of ‘Act your Age’ challenges including speed art tasks, obstacle courses and laps of the playground whilst doing keep ups with a tennis racket, and We managed to raise a wonderful amount of £426.23.

A message from the PTA

Dear Parents,

Many thanks for your continued support during this difficult time.

A plea for help!

At Dunnington Primary we have always been very fortunate to have lots of support from parents helping run our events. However, we also need support with the committee. Currently the committee is very top heavy with parents from the older years at school. We need support from Reception to Year 3 parents. It’s not onerous and you are not committing yourself anything by volunteering. We have several meetings a year and its more for ideas and support than anything else. If you would like to get involved or talk about a particular role please contact me at [email protected].


This years AGM has been postponed due to COVID-19, it will now be held in January. Should anyone wish to volunteer for any role or post please get in touch – it would be appreciated!

Christmas Raffle:

We will be running our usual Christmas coloured hamper raffle this year. Each family will receive some raffle tickets which we would appreciate your support with. Friends, family, neighbours would all love a shot at winning one of the exciting hampers. Due to COVID all items will be quarantined for 72 hours.

Dates for your diary:

  • 11th December
    • Non uniform/Christmas jumper day – support for Save the Children and Dunnington PTA
  • 17th December
    • Break the rules day (within reason!), more information to follow.James, PTA Chair

PTA Christmas Cards

As you may know, the PTA have for several years now, organised for the children to design their own Christmas cards. Packs of Christmas cards and other goods such as mugs and tea towels, showing their child’s design, are then made available for parents to purchase if they wish.

The children usually design their cards in school, however this year the materials have unfortunately arrived late and we are unable to complete these in school in the time required. We are therefore going to send the resources home with children today, to enable your child to create their Christmas design at home this year. An order form will also be sent, for you to return to school with your child’s design if you wish to purchase any of the items. Order forms and designs will need to be returned to
school by Friday 20th November please.

To minimise contact as much as possible, a box will be placed outside the front door of school each morning while children are arriving. Please place your orders in the box.