Responsibility, Enjoyment, Security, Politeness, Effort, Care, Tolerance
On this page you will find information about Dunnington C of E Primary School as a church school.
Our Mission Statement and School Values are based around a strong Christian ethos which underpin all that we do.
Dunnington C E Primary School
Growing and learning together to be the best that we can be, in an environment based on Christian Values
Responsibility, Enjoyment, Security, Politeness, Effort, Care, Tolerance
Our Christian Vision
Dunnington C E Primary School is a place where we encourage children to develop enquiring minds, a lifelong love of learning and a respect for one another and the world in which they live.
It is rooted theologically in Proverbs 22:6, ‘Start children off in the way they should go and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.’ and 1 Peter 3:8 ‘Be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.’

We hold daily acts of Collective Worship which are broadly Christian in nature, whilst also celebrating and embracing other major world faiths. Worship is led by clergy and lay readers from St Nicholas Church and also by the Minister from the local Methodist church. School staff regularly lead Worship and pupils also prepare and feed into ideas for celebration.
We celebrate that Christianity is a global faith, and enjoy learning about the lived experiences of people all over the world.
We are currently learning about the Christian Values within the context of the ‘Fruits of the Spirit’. We are choosing a ‘fruit’ each half term to look at, thinking about bible stories and current events which can help us to explore the value further, and understand how to apply it in our daily lives. The values, as well as our Lord’s Prayer focus, are referenced in the day-to-day life of the school, and celebrated in our reflective areas in classrooms.
The year’s values and themes are centrally displayed to provide a focal point for the school. Children are frequently invited to contribute thoughts or prayers based on this theme and these are also displayed . The term’s value underpins the daily life of the school and our aim is to embed it fully so that it is relevant and ‘real’ to pupils, staff and parents.
Children are regularly encouraged to contribute to collective worship, with thoughts, ideas and prayers. Children will assist in different ways, such as setting up resources and opening collective worship time with a selected prayer or bible verse. In addition to this, children actively contribute practical ideas to how we can show our values in action. We have a pupil Collective Worship Group, made up of children in KS2. They contribute ideas for Collective Worship, gather feedback from pupils and deliver a session of Collective Worship each term.

Each class has a special area for reflection and prayer. This provides a quiet focus for daily collective thought . Themes for reflection are broadly based around the term’s Christian value and each week we celebrate the achievements of children who have shown particular empathy or application of that value.
We like to welcome visitors from many different faiths and christian denominations. We love to hear about the way in which their faith helps them lead their lives. We are also interested in the many similarities there are between the values and principles of all religions.
Each term YOYO comes in to deliver Collective Worship, based on a Christian theme, such as Easter, Harvest or Christmas.