Governance and the Local Governing Body

Governors are one of the largest volunteer forces in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards. The role of a governing body, often described as being a “critical friend”, is absolutely key to the effectiveness of a school.

For information about governance in the South York Multi-Academy Trust, including information about the Trustees and Members of the board and financial information including the funding agreement, articles of association and audited annual accounts, please see the MAT website.

The Local Governing Body is made up of representatives of the school staff, parents, the Local Authority and members of the local community who, in addition to participating in the full Local Governing Body, may also serve on sub-committees.  The sub-committees are:

  • Finance and Resources
  • Headteacher Appraisal
  • Teachers’ Pay
  • Pay Appeals

The Governing Body

Name of GovernorCategory of
Appointing Body*Term of OfficeCommittee MembershipAdditional
Kevin HallFoundationDiocesan Board25/11/20 -24/11/24Finance & Resources
Teachers' Pay
Chair of LGB
Chair of Headteacher Appraisal & Teachers' Pay
Charlotte ToddStaffStaff Body01/12/23 -30/11/27
David SwallowParentParent Body12/01/24 -11/01/28
Emily ThompsonParentParent Body26/04/24 -25/04/28
Rev Katharine McBrideFoundationEx-officio18/07/23 - ongoing
Rachel RobinsonTrust AppointedLGB13/07/23 -12/07/27Safeguarding Governor
Ros WilliamsFoundationDiocesan Board01/09/21 -31/08/25Finance & Resources
Teachers' Pay
Vice Chair of LGB
Chair of Pay Appeals
Safeguarding Governor
SEND Governor
Sarah WearingTrust AppointedLGB01/03/22 -28/02/26Finance & Resources
Pay Appeals
Chair of the Finance and Resources Committee
*Diocesan Board = York Diocesan Board of Education (following consultation with the Parochial Church Council of the parish in which the school is situated)
Staff Body = Staff Body under the MAT’s Scheme of Delegation
Parent Body = Parent body, under the MAT’s Scheme of Delegation, or by appointment of the LGB under specific circumstances
LGB = Local Governing Body, with the approval [of the Chair] of the MAT Board
Clare ThompsonAttendeeHeadteacher

Click here to view the Dunnington LGB Register of Business Interests, 2024-2025

Former Members of the Local Governing Body who have stepped down in the past year

Name of GovernorCategory of
Appointing BodyTerm of
Declaration of
Relevant Interests
Simone ShellParent AppointedParent Body25/04/2023 -19/02/24N/A

Governing Body Meeting Attendance