You can also find school performance information using the “Find and Compare Schools in England” service on the Department for Education website; the previous academic year’s results data is usually added, by the DfE, in December.
Key Stage Test Data (May 2024)
% of pupils achieving expected standard or above in reading test | 91% |
% of pupils achieving greater depth in reading | 31% |
% of pupils achieving expected standard or above in writing (teacher assessment) | 77% |
% of pupils achieving greater depth in writing (teacher assessment) | 14% |
% of pupils achieving expected standard or above in mathematics test | 86% |
% of pupils achieving greater depth in mathematics | 17% |
% of pupils achieving expected standard or above in grammar, punctuation and spelling test | 83% |
% of pupils achieving greater depth in grammar, punctuation and spelling test | 49% |
% of pupils achieving expected standard or above in science | 94% |
Average scaled score in reading test | 108 |
Average scaled score in maths test | 105 |
Average progress in reading | n/a |
Average progress in writing | n/a |
Average progress in mathematics | n/a |
% of pupils achieving expected standard in reading, writing and maths combined | 66% |
% of pupils achieving greater depth in reading, writing and maths combined | 9% |
Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessment (June 2024)
% of pupils achieving expected standard or above in reading | 69% |
% of pupils achieving greater depth in reading | 38% |
% of pupils achieving expected standard or above in writing | 55% |
% of pupils achieving greater depth in writing | 28% |
% of pupils achieving Expected standard or above in mathematics | 69% |
% of pupils achieving greater depth in mathematics | 41% |
% of pupils achieving expected standard or above in science | 72% |
% of pupils achieving expected standard in reading, writing and maths teacher assessments | 48% |
% of pupils achieving greater depth in reading, writing and maths teacher assessments | 17% |
Information about School Performance 2024 as a .pdf
- Information about School Performance 2023 as a .pdf
- Information about School Performance 2022 as a .pdf
- Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, most exams and assessments did not take place in 2019/20 or 2020/21 and the government announced that it would not publish school or college level results data in autumn 2020 or autumn 2021. Information on what this means for the way school and college accountability will operate for 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22 can be found here.
- Information about School Performance 2019 as a .pdf
- Information about School Performance 2018 as a .pdf
- Information about School Performance 2017 as a .pdf
- Information about School Performance 2016 as a .pdf
- Information about School Performance 2015 as a .pdf
- Information about School Performance 2014 as a .pdf
- Information about School Performance 2013 as a .pdf