The ever-popular coloured hamper raffle is back and will be drawn at the school Christmas Fair on Friday 6th December!
We would really appreciate it if your child could bring an item to school in the following colour:
- Reception: blue
- Year 1: green
- Year 2: purple
- Year 3: yellow/gold
- Year 4: white/silver
- Year 5: orange
- Year 6: red
Friday 15th November will be a non- uniform day in return for bringing in an item for your class hamper. If your item isn’t the correct colour please don’t worry – we can wrap it for you.
Ahead of the Christmas fair on Friday 6 December the PTA are collecting the following 2nd hand items:
- Good condition books & stationery
- School uniform
- Xmas jumpers/tees
- Teddies (from KS2 pupils only, to avoid any tears on the day!)
If you have any items you can donate, please send these into school with your child by 20 November and they will be passed on to the PTA.
Thank you!Dunnington PTA