Harvest Festival

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We are looking forward to celebrating harvest on Monday 4th October at St Nicholas Church in Dunnington. It will be wonderful to be back in the building with the children, particularly for our younger pupils who will be visiting with us for the first time. We will have three services for each of our bubbles: Reception/Year 1/2, Year 3/4 and Year 5/6. At this stage, we are just welcoming children and staff into the services. Parents will be able to view pictures of their child’s class activities on the website afterwards.

Reverend Nick Bird has confirmed there will be no food collection at the services on Monday, but that we are very welcome to add to their money collection for Carecent. If you would like to make a donation, please feel free to send money in an envelope marked “Carecent” into school on Monday morning and we will take them to church with us.