
Spring Term 2 Clubs

Click here for a downloadable .pdf version of the Spring term 2 clubs letter.

Club Dates  
Y3/4 Dodgeball Club
Mr Sellers
Tuesday 25th February – Tuesday 1st April Free through sports funding
Early Riser KS2 Outdoor sports sessions
Mr Sellers
Tuesday 25th February – Tuesday 1st April Get out of bed and come and try some outdoor fun sports! A different one each week! Free through sports funding
YR/1/2 Multi sports
Ignite Sports Coaching
Monday 3rd March – Monday 31st March Please see the website link below. Sign up and pay direct using this. Subsidised by Sports funding. £15 for 5 weeks.
Y5/6 Dodgeball Club
Ignite Sports Coaching
Thursday 6th March – Thursday 3rd April Please see the website link below. Sign up and pay direct using this. Subsidised by Sports funding. £15 for 5 weeks.
Y5/6 Netball Club
Mrs Rowntree/Miss Dickenson
Mon 24th February – Mon 31st March Free through sports funding
KS2 York Dance Space
Wednesday 26th February – Wednesday 2nd April Please pay via Parentpay. Subsidised by Sports funding.
£18 for 6 weeks
Please click on the link to see what amazing work this dance school do with young people across York. In the final session of the half term they do a short performance to parents to showcase their hard work and learning.