Sporting News

Revised Dates for Sports Days

Please note the following dates for the EYFS/KS1 and KS2 Sports Days, which needed amending since the original Diary Dates information was distributed due to an unavoidable alteration of the dates for the Year 5 residential trip. EYFS/KS1: Monday 4th…

5/6 football finalists

A huge congratulations to the year 5/6 football team who won their local league and made their way to the finals on Tuesday at the York City training ground. On the day we won 2 drew 3 and lost 2. We finished a very respectable 5th place. On the day they all played excellent and only conceded 2 goals. A huge thank you to the children who have been great throughout and all the parents that have supported the team and provided lifts in what turned out to be a very successful season.


Cricketing News

The Y3/4 cricket team had a fantastic afternoon at Dunnington cricket club in the inter schools’ tournament. The children were a real credit to themselves and to the school, showing great teamwork, encouragement and sportsmanship throughout. In their first match they played Stockton on the Forest and finished with a comprehensive win 133 runs to 38. In their second and final match vs Hempland the game was much more even. Again, the boys and girls fielded really well and did brilliantly to come out as winners in a very close match ending 87 to 86! They now progress to the regional finals on Tuesday 21st June at York Cricket Club. A huge thank you to Mr Robinson for coaching and looking after the team.

The Y5/6 cricket team also took part in the York cricket finals at Dunnington Cricket Club on Wednesday. The boys all represented our school with a fabulous display of skills, teamwork and sportsmanship. We played 3 games in the qualifying round and beat Badger Hill, Hempland and Naburn very convincingly. Wickets were taken through excellent bowling and superb fielding, including a few diving catches! We then faced Osbaldwick in the semi -final and again, showed true team spirit with a good win! This meant we faced Naburn in the final and with some superb action on the field and great support from parents, we won and are through to the Regional finals. A super day and so nice to be back enjoying competitive sport against other schools!

Terrific Triathletes!

Some of our KS2 children were lucky enough to take part in the Brownlee Mini Triathlon at York Sport!

The Brownlee Foundation events have been set up by Alistair and Jonny so they can give something back to the community. This event at York Sport gave Key Stage 2 pupils from schools across York an opportunity to try the disciplines of the triathlon – swimming 50m in the pool, cycling 800m on grass and running 300m – with every child receiving a t-shirt beforehand and a medal and goody bag when they crossed the finish line.

Dunnington vs Lord Deramore’s Match Report

Last Friday saw a double header for the footballers. The A team, who needed to win to book their place in the finals, were up first. A great team display displayed the determination and skill the team play with. Two goals in both halves lead to a fantastic 4-0 win. On the day Zac and Ben RG both got a brace each to ensure Dunnington A are on their way to the finals!

In the second game our B team took to the pitch looking for their first win of the season. In a changed formation of three at the back the team looked comfortable and dominated possession. They had lots of chances to take the lead but were denied by good defending and great keeping. As the game went on it started to feel like we would never get that illusive goal! However, with time running out Dan S got the ball and shot into the bottom corner. This was followed by wild celebrations once the final whistle blew. They had their first ever win!

A thank you to all that came and supported and Dave Scoreby who took the time out to help run the team on the day.Mr Gargiulo

Triathlon reminder for KS2

Please send permission and photo slips back by Tuesday 3rd May if your child is interested in a place in this exciting event. Names will be drawn on that morning and confirmation sent to those who have been given a place. If your child does not bring a confirmation slip home then this means they do not have a place on this occasion. Unfortunately, places are limited and we will keep a waiting list in case anyone drops out.

Sports Fixtures

clipart silhouettes of people throwing, catching and jumping ffor netballsOur netball teams were in action on Tuesday night and continued their winning run! We played two teams from St Aelred’s Primary School and both matches were a superb display of skill, commitment and team work. The children have worked so hard in training sessions and this paid off in their performance on the courts. A 4-1 win in the first game and a 7-1 win in the second game. Our players of the matches were Freya M and Ben R. Thank you to all the parents who came to support the teams.

black and white clipart image of a footballOur girls football team was in action last night and narrowly missed out on a win with some superb team and individual performances. It has been fabulous to see some of our Y5 and 6 girls enjoying their football sessions with Rosie Todd this year and great to see pupils involved in school based competitive sport again! The team lost 1- 0 to St Wilfred’s School and 2-0 to Lord Deramore’s School. Player of the matches was Evie S in goal putting on a brilliant display of action. Well done to all the girls involved and thank you to the parents for the transport and support.