Sporting News

Y2 Football News

Some Year 2 children braved the very cold temperatures to play in a mini football festival on Wednesday afternoon. It was organised by the York Sports Network with York City Community Foundation and Huntington School Y10 pupils providing the referees and support. We had two mixed teams in this brilliant (if not slightly chilly!) event. Both teams demonstrated how well they can play as a team and support each other with some great sportsmanship on show from our own players and the opposing teams. A shout out to S and A for receiving fair play medals for showing extra resilience and effort for their respective teams.

Dunnington 2 won two and drew two of their seven games whilst Dunnington 1 won five of their matches, lost one and drew one, which was a formidable achievement. Mrs Perks and I were extremely proud of the children and you can see in the photo that they all had a fabulous time! Thank you to all the parents who provided lifts and watched in the bitterly cold weather!Mrs Rowntree


Y3/4 Dodgeball

Congratulations to our Y3/4 Dodgeball team who won all of their games at St Oswald’s School. They will now go through to the next round on 31st March at York University.

More information will follow once we have details.

Football Match Reports!

Our Y5/6 football teams were in action again this week and played against Osbaldwick Primary School on Tuesday. The players enjoyed a pre-match motivational chat with Mr Sellers at lunchtime and they left ready for action! We had two matches and the first was a very competitively fought event. Charlie in Year 6 providing the team with a brilliant performance in his first appearance for the school this year. Many chances and lots of superb teamwork made for a great watch. We missed having a couple in the team through injury but the players worked very hard and showed true resilience. They also thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to play against another school. We did unfortunately come away with a 2-1 defeat but Mr  Sellers was very proud of their commitment. The second match was also a very close game and full of goals which is always exciting to watch! The team stuck together and battled to a 4 all draw.

A superb evening of football and thank you to all the parents who provided lifts and support for the children.

Cross Country Invitation Letter

If your child would like to take part, please return the slip from the letter to the school office
by Friday 30th September, for the attention of Mrs Rowntree.

Click to download the letter

Sports Days

Thank you to all who were able to support our sport’s days last week. The weather was kind to us (if a little hot on Thursday!) and a great time was had by all. Thank you also to the PTA for providing the children with a much deserved and welcomed ice lolly, after all their hard work. The final house scores for sports day in ascending order were:

  • Rowntree (Yellow) – 88 points
  • Terry (Blue) – 91 points
  • Craven (Green) – 124 points
  • Making Tuke (Red) house the overall winners with a huge 142 points!

Congratulations to the children representing Tuke house!

Y3/4 Cricket Regional Finals

The Y3/4 cricket team had a fabulous and very sunny day at the regional finals on Tuesday! We enjoyed 5 matches throughout the course of the day against other schools from all over North Yorkshire. The children had great fun, learned a lot about the game and developed their skills with a packed agenda!

We won 3 games with some super batting and fielding, taking wickets from both run outs and accurate bowling. We unfortunately lost 2 games which meant we did not qualify for the semi- finals but the opposition was very strong and we came away very happy with our performance overall.

Thank you to all the children for representing our school with such good behaviour and respect for other schools. Thanks also to the parents/grandparents who came along to support.Mrs Rowntree