Sporting News
Year 3 & 4 Boys Football Match Report

There have been a couple of changes in PE days, so more classes have the opportunity to be taught by Mr Sellers.
PE will be on the following days from the week beginning 11th November:
We also had success with another Y3/4 Dodgeball competition last night and the team won all of their games so watch this space for more details! A great performance and thank you to Mr Sellers for accompanying the team. Please can any Y4 parents who have not returned their slip and payment for swimming do so as soon as possible. Thank you!Mrs Rowntree
This week, Mrs Rowntree used some of our sports premium budget to arrange a Dance Day, which was delivered by the amazing York Dance Space. York Dance Space currently run or incredibly popular after school club, which is already full for this half-term! Mrs Rowntree was keen to give all the children the opportunity to experience a dance workshop and give the teachers the chance to observe really effective dance teaching.
The pupils had great fun experimenting with different styles of dance, performing lifts and dancing to fabulous music whilst developing their rhythmical skills. The teachers deepened their understanding of curriculum dance and it has been wonderful to hear the children so excited about their workshops!
York Dance Space run adult and child classes so if you fancy getting involved or trying something
new then please follow the link and get in touch with Drew or Hannah: https://yorkdancespace.com/
A huge well done to both of our hockey teams,who made it through the finals, which will take place on the 19th April. Thank you again to the staff for all the brilliant coaching and to everyone who transported the children to the competition.
Good luck to our netball teams, who are competing tonight.
Families may be interested in the following information about the DS20 Easter Holiday Football Camp.
To book a place use the link: https://ds20.class4kids.co.uk/
Limited places available
Click here to download the Spring term 1 clubs letter as a .pdf
We had two football teams in action on a very wet and cold Monday evening this week.
Both teams played against Easingwold Primary School and battled hard to demonstrate some superb football and great team work.
One team drew 3-3 and the other team lost 3-1. They made Mr Sellers incredibly proud. A huge thank you to the parents who provided lifts and stood in the pouring rain! One team has progressed through to the East York Schools finals on Tuesday 19th December so watch out for more scores coming through! Good luck to the boys in this event.
A huge well done to all those children who took part and especially Darcey in Y1 who ran the girls Y1 race, Lucas and Otis in year 2 who came 1st and 3rd in their race, and Lance and Jimmy in year 4 who came joint 8th in their age group.
The KS2 boys will go onto a race to represent York in the North Yorkshire Schools event at Giggleswick School on the 23rd November. Many thanks to the parents for providing the children with lifts to this event. It is much appreciated.Mrs Rowntree