School Council
School Council
School Council News – break the rules day
School Council have been drumming up ideas around the classes for areas of school they want to develop and how they will fundraise for this. It has been brilliant to see the school councillors in each class so confidently gather…
General, School Council
Dunnington’s Smart School Council
This term our school council will look slightly different… We have joined an exciting project called Smart School Councils where the key ethos is that every child has a voice and any idea is worth sharing.
- School council meetings are held in every classroom which means every child’s voice is heard
- Our existing school council representatives will make up our Communications Team. However, even if children aren’t on the Communication Team, they still have the opportunity to make a difference by joining an Action Team enabling them to lead change.
- Action teams explore the feasibility of introducing change, giving ownership of projects to the children.
To find out more, you can visit Smart School Councils here:
We look forward to sharing with you the exciting ideas the children wish to explore to make our school even better.
School Council
Children in Need – Friday 17/11/17
To raise money for Children in Need, this year, the School Council have decided to run a number of fundraising events, involving cakes, pyjamas and competitive baking! On the day, the school will hold a non-uniform day with the theme of Pyjama Party, where pupils are welcome to come into school wearing pyjamas, dressing gowns or onesies (or their own clothes if they prefer), paying a contribution of £1 to the charity. Alongside this, School Council will also be running a Bake Sale at 3:20pm, and we would welcome any donations of cakes, biscuits or other baked treats to be handed into the hall on the morning of Friday 17th. Finally, an exciting twist is to be added to this year’s Bake Sale, inspired by the Great British Bake Off! If you would like one of your baked treats (whether that be a cupcake, a brownie, a biscuit or anything else) to be entered into The Great Dunnington Bake Off, you can do so by paying £2, for charity, when dropping the cakes off. During the day your bakes will be judged and two winners will be crowned, one for Best Tasting Cake and one for Best Looking Cake. We hope you will join us in taking part in this fun day and supporting this wonderful cause.School Council and Miss Jarvis