
Open Event for Children Starting Reception in September 2024

We are holding an open event for families of children starting school in September 2024. It is a drop-in event where families can see our amazing EYFS area, meet staff and ask questions. There will also have an opportunity to have a tour of the school. We would really appreciate it if you spread the world about this event.

For children starting school in September 2024, we invite families to come and visit our welcoming school. This will be a drop in event where you will have the chance to see our EYFS area and to meet staff and ask questions. November 22nd, 4-5pm, Dunnington CE Primary School.

Click here for more information about the admission arrangements at our school, and how to apply for a Reception place for your child!

Starting reception in September 2024?

Click here to find out more about applying for a place at Dunnington CE Primary School!

Click to view the Guide for Parents to applying for a school place for September 2024 on the CYC website

Applications for a place in Reception starting in September 2024 are now open. For entry in the Reception class for the 2024-2025 school year, children will have been born between 1st September 2019 and 31st August 2020

The deadline for applications is 15th January 2024. Please note that applying early does not give any priority, although to have the best chance of your application being successful you should complete and submit your application by this deadline. Late applications can be made after this date, though these may be looked at after other applications.

National Offer Day will be 16th April 2024 or the next working day.

Applications for entry into reception can be made by using the online form to apply for a school place.

If you can’t apply online you can request a paper Primary Application Form by calling 01904 551 554. Forms are also distributed to primary schools and nurseries in the York area.

Message from the PTA

The PTA are holding their Annual General Meeting at 7:30pm on Wednesday 4th October at Dunnington Sports Club.


This is an opportunity to find out a little more about what we do and how you could be involved as a friend of the PTA or as part of the committee. At this meeting we discuss possible events for the year and any input into the meeting, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated. We are a friendly bunch and look forward to meeting new and familiar parents.

The PTA committee can now be contacted at: [email protected]Dunnington PTA

You can read more about the Dunnington PTA here on our website.

Secondary School Open Evenings and Applications

Do you have a child in Year 6? If so, it is time to start thinking about secondary school applications! Year 6 children and their parents and carers can view schools on their open evenings before making an application for a secondary school.

The dates for 2023 are:

We advise that you check school websites for confirmation of the Open Evening arrangements.

You can find out more about moving on up to secondary school here.