Weekly Newsletter 22.12.17 as a .pdf
General, School Newsletters
Dunnington News 15-12-17
Weekly Newsletter 15.12.17 as a .pdf
Spring Term Lunch Menu now online
Christmas Dinner Menu
General, School Newsletters
Dunnington News 8/12/17
Weekly Newsletter 08.12.17 as a .pdf
General, Sporting News
Rapid Fire Kwik Cricket win for Year 2
A talented group of Year 2 children attended the Rapid Fire cricket festival held at Fulford Secondary School this week. They played 4 games beating Badger Hill, Osbaldwick (2 teams) and Elvington. It is a very fast paced game which requires strong teamwork and decisive batting to succeed. The children all performed brilliantly. Well done!
General, School Newsletters
Dunnington News 1/12/17
Weekly Newsletter 01.12.17 as a .pdf
General, School Newsletters
Dunnington News 24/11/17
Weekly Newsletter 24.11.17 as a .pdf
Term Dates 2018-19
Click to download the term and holiday dates as a .pdf
General, Sporting News
Brilliant sporting performance!
18 of our Year 6 children took part in an Indoor Athletics event at Fulford Secondary school this week. They put a brilliant sporting display of talent competing in both team and individual challenges ranging from obstacle courses to standing triple jump. Dunnington came a very impressive 2nd place for their hard work and were an absolute pleasure to accompany to this exciting festival. Well done!