A talented group of Year 2 children attended the Rapid Fire cricket festival held at Fulford Secondary School this week. They played 4 games beating Badger Hill, Osbaldwick (2 teams) and Elvington. It is a very fast paced game which requires strong teamwork and decisive batting to succeed. The children all performed brilliantly. Well done!
General, School Newsletters
Dunnington News 1/12/17
Weekly Newsletter 01.12.17 as a .pdf
General, School Newsletters
Dunnington News 24/11/17
Weekly Newsletter 24.11.17 as a .pdf
Term Dates 2018-19
Click to download the term and holiday dates as a .pdf
General, Sporting News
Brilliant sporting performance!
18 of our Year 6 children took part in an Indoor Athletics event at Fulford Secondary school this week. They put a brilliant sporting display of talent competing in both team and individual challenges ranging from obstacle courses to standing triple jump. Dunnington came a very impressive 2nd place for their hard work and were an absolute pleasure to accompany to this exciting festival. Well done!
General, School Newsletters
Dunnington News 17.11.17
Click here to download the letter as a .pdf
Dunnington News 27.10.17
Weekly Newsletter 27.10.17
Dunnington News 20-10-17
Weekly Newsletter 20.10.17 – download as a .pdf
E-Safety For Parents
Parents and Carers may be interested in the following sites which contain useful information about keeping children safe on the internet:
Secondary School Applications
Now that the secondary school open evenings have taken place, the deadline applications for a secondary school place in September 2018 is fast approaching. You can apply for a secondary school place online.
Please read the guide for parents before applying for a school place, it contains key information on school admissions for parents/carers.
Click here for more information about applying to secondary schools.