Author Archive for Kat Chandler

Y6 Girls Football Event

A team of very enthusiastic Year 6 girls attended a football event with me in April. On a very cold and wet day they had a brilliant time enjoying various coaching sessions with York City and York College students. They played small matches against other local schools and learned more about the popular game. The girls approached the whole day with a smile on their faces and were a pleasure to take out of school.

Leading on from this we now have 2 ‘girls only’ football clubs set up for this half term. These are run by York City coaches and the response has been fantastic. Both clubs are now full but if successful, we will endeavour to provide further coaching beyond this half term.

York City are also in delivering curriculum support for Y2 (DA/LR) and Y3. Coaches are coming into support teachers and develop their skills and knowledge for teaching football.

Safeguarding Information: Applicants & Volunteers

DBS and Safeguarding
The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We require successful applicants to undertake an enhanced Criminal Record check via the Disclosure and Barring Service.

Posts may also be subject to the Childcare (Disqualification) Regulations 2009 and as such shortlisted candidates may be asked to complete a Disqualification Declaration. Any information supplied will be discussed at interview.

Please read the full South York MAT Safeguarding Statement for applicants and volunteers on our Policies & Documents Page.

Y2/3 Girls visit to York College

I took a selection of keen Year 2 and 3 girls to York College to take part in a healthy schools/football afternoon. York City were providing the coaching and the workshops. All the girls had a brilliant afternoon and met lots of children from other primary schools.

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Y6 Girls Football Festival

Year 6 Girls football festival- this was a fabulous day organised by North Riding FA and York City. The 8 girls I took with me were an absolute pleasure to spend the day with and they put 100% effort into everything that was asked of them. All went home tired and very enthusiastic about playing football!

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Year 3/4 Tennis Superstars!

The tennis team came 4th in the North Yorkshire tournament and played amazing tennis. A fantastic morning played in a very hot dome tent at the Uni! Well done to all of them and thank to Mrs Booth who accompanied…

Y5/6 Cricket – Cluster and York Rounds

The Year 5/6 team also competed at Dunnington Cricket Club, and they too had amazing success. The teamwork and skills on display were fantastic. They also qualified for the North Yorkshire finals on Monday 22nd June by winning every single match!…

Y3/4 compete in the Drax Cup

The Drax Cup is an annual event and is aimed at developing kwik cricket skills in Y3/4 children. It is sponsored by Drax and organised by the Yorkshire Cricket Board. We have had Chance to Shine coaches in to school delivering 4 weeks of curriculum cricket sessions and the kids and teachers loved it! A lot of talented children were spotted!

The Drax team consisted of 10 children in total- 8 boys and 2 girls. It was held at Dunnington Cricket Club and the weather was hot and sunny…a perfect cricket type of day! The team worked hard and supported each other through every match. The children won all the matches they played, including the final and so are yet to take part in the North Yorkshire round next week. A superb day and many great memories made!

WE WON!!!!  After 3 wins in the morning round, they went into the finals as winners of their group and then went onto to win the semi final and the final. A fantastic day of cricket and I was very proud of their teamwork, skill and support for each other.

They go on to play at Headingly and represent North Yorkshire in a tournament on the 8th July. They will be the warm up matches to a T20 match….it doesn’t get much better than that!!!

Y3/4 compete at Wigginton Tennis Club

The tennis competition is a minature version of the real game. They play singles on a half court size with a softer, slightly larger ball. 4 children represented Dunnington in the York tournament at Wigginton Tennis Club and they all played brilliantly. So brilliantly in fact, that they won a place in the North Yorkshire finals that will take place on Monday 22nd June.

Year 3/4 Tri Golf

Always a fabulous event and this year it was held at York Golf Club in Strensall. Tri Golf is very popular in primary schools for developing those early golf skills within a school based facility. It uses plastic chippers and putters with plastic balls. The children play all sorts of fun games and aim at large targets.

Our school team performed with great enthusiasm and despite not winning, they had a lot of fun and picked up new skills along the way. Well done!