Author Archive for Kat Chandler

Starting Reception in September 2018?

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Applications via the City of York Council for a place in our fantastic Reception starting in September 2018 are now open.  The deadline for ‘on-time’ applications is the 15th January.

If you would like a pre-admission visit, please telephone 01904 552910 and make an appointment. The headteacher or administrator will be pleased to show you around.

Please click here for more information about admission into Reception.

Soccer Superstars!

A big well done to the Y5/6 football team on their triumphant success in coming top of the York Schools league. A fantastic achievement!

Well done to the XC finalists

We had 8 runners in KS2 who all took part in the cross country North Yorkshire finals at Dalby Forest in March. Superb efforts from all involved and thank you to the parents for taking time out to get them…

Netball News

The school netball teams took part in the cluster finals and despite winning a number of matches they unfortunately didn’t qualify for the York finals. However, many of the 2 teams were Year 5 pupils who have only had 2 terms of netball coaching and the progress they have made is brilliant.

I am looking forward to next season to build on that progress!

Tri Golf in Y3/4

The Y3/4 Tri Golf team took part in a fantastic festival at Strensall Golf Club. The sun shone and the children enjoyed a carousel of activities developing their putting, chipping and accuracy skills. They came 4th out of 12 teams that entered which was a fantastic result. Well done!

Inclusive Sports

I had the pleasure of taking 6 pupils to a fantastic inclusive sports day at Queen Margaret’s School in Escrick. This was a lot of fun and the children had a fantastic time trying out archery, blindfolded activities and bouncing…

Athletics and Rugby with Mr Walton

Our PE curriculum specialist is working in Year 4 this half term supporting staff in their delivery of athletics. Simon Walton is a secondary PE teacher and will also be running a Y5/6 athletics club on a Thursday lunchtime and…

Chance to Shine & Cricket Stars

Yorkshire cricket coach, Rachel Hildreth is delivering 4 weeks of cricket sessions to Y3/4 pupils. This forms part of a scheme called ‘Chance to Shine’ and is a national programme. She is also booked in to do a taster session for F/KS1 pupils with a new initiative called ‘Cricket Stars’. Maybe we will spot the next Jonny Bairstow!