Author Archive for Kat Chandler

Tennis News

The Year 5/6 tennis team took part in the York Schools festival on Thursday. The mixed team got through their league stage with confident wins over Clifton with Rawcliffe, Headlands and Robert Wilkinson. All four played some brilliant tennis and the level of skill on show was superb.

We narrowly lost out to the Wigginton team in the final but came away with a fantastic 2nd place!

Triathlon Taster

We took 39 KS2 children to a taster triathlon event at York Sport. This was organised by the Brownlee Trust and a way of getting as many children as possible trying this exciting sport. Over 1000 children were involved in one day!

All the children had a fabulous time in this very well organised event and were rewarded with a goodie bag, a smoothie and a Brownlee swim hat to keep.

Football Report

On Friday 18th May 2018 ten Year 5 boys went to a football match against Appleton Roebuck and won 20-1. A brilliant goal was scored by Rory, a header off a throw in. The Appleton Roebuck team was Y5/6 players during the first half, but the second half was their Y3/4 football club.By Charlie and Alex