Meals & Snacks

We are a ‘nut-free zone’!  This is because we have a number of children in school who have a severe nut allergy. We therefore ask that all parents avoid putting nuts or any product that contains whole nuts into packed lunches. You can find our full Allergens Policy on the School Policies & Documents page. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.

School Dinners

From September 2023, the price of a school meal is £3.20 for children in Years 3 to 6. School meals are free for children in Reception to Year 2, under the Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme. Please see below the menu for the Summer Term 2024.

Click to enlarge

Free School Meals and the Pupil Premium

Free school meals are also available to families in receipt of certain benefits; you can find out more and apply online via the City of York Council website, or further details of qualifying benefits and an application form may be obtained from the school office. We would strongly encourage any families who feel they may meet the criteria and may be entitled to this support to apply – including if your child is entitled to a meal under the universal infant free school meal initiative – as your child’s school will benefit from additional funding known as the Pupil Premium.

Playtime Snacks

Children in KS1 have access to free fruit at break times. Children in KS2 are welcome to bring a fruit snack from home, should they wish, to eat at playtime.

Milk is provided free for under 5s then, from their 5th birthday, can be purchased as part of the government subsidised scheme through ‘Cool Milk’.

If you want your child to continue to receive milk following their 5th birthday, then you must have registered with the Cool Milk website in advance. In your welcome packs when your child started school, there was a form with the link to register for the Cool Milk service or alternatively, you can access the website at: which will explain how you register. When you have completed this online, you will receive an email with further details – this includes a link that must be clicked to activate the registration. Once you do this, you will be notified by Cool Milk 3 weeks prior to your child’s birthday, to allow you to set up payment and to ensure that milk continues to be provided. If you do not register, school will not be sent milk for your child. If you have any queries, please do let the office or Mrs Elliott know. 


Click to find out more about ParentPay

Where possible, please pay for school meals using our ParentPay online facility as this significantly reduces our school office workload. It is also helpful to the office staff if you book your choice of meals for the week every Monday as all meals are cooked to order. This can be done by letter or email.  For further information about school meals and payment please see the school prospectus.