Week 7 – Transition
Hello and welcome to your new Year 3 class! We can’t wait to welcome you all back in September. This week we are looking forward to getting to know you a little bit better on Seesaw. Please watch our videos so you can get to know us too! Why not send one back to us telling us how ‘FAB’ you are? Below are some activities you can have a go at before the holidays or over the Summer. We do not expect you to complete all these activities so just pick and choose some of those you would like to have a go at.
These following tasks are designed to help us learn a little about your character, family and the things you enjoy doing. Choose one, or have a go at them all! These can be done without you needing to print anything out.
- Animal Mix Up
Create an animal to represent you. Draw and then label it. For example, you might want to have the legs of a cheetah because you are a fast runner, the head of an owl because you are wise and the body of a mouse because you are quiet and timid. Each body part can be a different animal but tell us why you have chosen it and what it says about you.
- Interests Collage
Make a collage or draw/paint a picture to show us the things you enjoy doing. You could cut things out of old magazines or do a mixture of both.
- Family Flag
Design a flag for your family. Your design could feature your family name or initial, clues about the members of your family and pets.
How ‘FAB’ are you! Video activity
Tell us just how fabulous you are! Fill out the activity sheet below on how amazing you are and then pick three things from this sheet. Put them on the ice lolly template and decorate. We would love to see a video or photo of you on Seesaw telling us just how fab you are! It would be great to receive something from each of you, as we think it will be a nice way to mark the start of Year 3.
Maths and English Summer Activity Packs
These activity packs are designed to keep you going over the summer period. They include lots of fun activities for you to have a go at. You can work through the booklet at your own pace. We have put up the Year 3 ones for you as this will help you to see what some of the Maths and English will look like in Year 3.
English – A mini adventure!
We would like you to write a mini adventure. You are going to pretend that whilst playing outside you have been shrunken down to being just 10 cm tall and find yourself amongst the grass in your back garden!
How will you escape back to the safety of your house?
What creatures will you encounter on your journey back? Think about the bugs animals and pets that maybe lurking in your garden and how big they will be compared to you.
What flowers, trees and plants will you see and what is the weather like? E.g. How can you use them as shelter from the rain or sun?
Describe how the plants look now that you are much smaller.
Do you make a friend along your journey? How do they help you return to the safety of your house?
Twist –
You can change the setting of this story to your bedroom, the bathroom, a park, school or even a supermarket! The choice is yours. Have fun writing creatively with your imagination! We can’t wait to read your stories. You could even illustrate your story and make it into a book.
To help, we have included a link to the opening scene from a Bug’s Life to give you a sense of the size you will be and some photographs to help you see things from being only 10 cm tall!
Take a look at these home Science experiments. Remember to help tidy up if you make a mess!
Art: Colour walk – video to support this activity is available on seesaw
What is a colour walk?
A colour walk is a walk where you try to look for all the colours of the rainbow. You might think of it like a treasure hunt, where the treasure is colour! This could be outside, along your street, or even around your home.
Look for things in every colour of the rainbow, one by one. You can photograph or draw each thing you find, write them down, or just look.
It’s up to you how many things you want to find in the same colour. At different times of year this activity might look quite different!
If you’re playing at home, you could collect a few things of each colour and arrange them.
When you finish your walk you could:
draw a map of your walk and add colourful drawings of some of things you saw
make a collage of pictures you took
make colourful drawings of some of the things you saw together
Look back at your photographs and see if you notice anything new about the things you saw
More ideas for your colour walk are available here:
Five-minute speed task!
There are 10 questions on the activity sheet below. You have to find three answers for each of the questions. Whilst you are doing this, ask an adult to time how long it takes you. When you have completed the questions, send them into us on Seesaw with the time you did it in!
Friendship Bracelets
Use the instructions below to make a friendship bracelet. You could then write a letter to your friend and send the bracelet with it in the post to them.
Check on Seesaw because we have added on lots of additional activities for you to have a go at over the summer holidays. Some are activities that our children have enjoyed doing over the lockdown period.
We are so excited to see you all in September. Have a wonderful summer!